Bank holiday Monday, and it was time for my solo return from Barton on Sea to Godalming.
Paul had long since departed, and I was leaving my family behind to enjoy a few more days holiday.
After all of the trouble we’d experienced on the way down I sent the GPS back with Paul and decided to keep my route simple. That meant main roads through Brockenhurst to Lyndhurst, and the out of the New Forest to Romsey, Winchester at which point I picked up the A31 back to Godalming.

I’d been watching the weather forecast over the weekend and was hoping for pay-back, with no change in wind direction, meaning a refreshing tail wind home for a change. I got it!
All of which meant I did a PB of 70 miles in 4hrs 10mins, av speed 17mph – with luggage on my bike.

Admittedly this was also helped by a couple of races with other “roadies” – one of who was most put out with me clinging onto his back wheel for 5 miles despite his best efforts to shake me off getting low down on his tri-bars.

Did a gentle 35 miler on Tuesday afternoon, and have eased back into my early morning turbo training routine again now that holidays are all behind me.

I have to say however, it was awesome to ride with Paul on Friday - to see how fit we’re both getting and more importantly to appreciate how team morale brought us through some pretty horrendous and challenging conditions. Apologies to the poor old fella who wandered into the public toilets en-route for a quiet no.2, only to find inside two shivering lycra-clad nutters ramming bananas and malt loaf into their mouths whilst groaning with pleasure under the hand dryer!

Next planned ride together is w/e 24th April, solo efforts until then.

-          Mat.

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