Decided it was about time I should add some comments and join the Bloggle!

Thanks Paul for keeping the overall news up to speed.

Unlike my mate, opportunities for me to train on the roads are a little more limited due to family commitments – however when my lovely wife gives me the green light to go out I have to grab it with gusto.

That happened this weekend, and Sunday morning was my green light. Given that I’m doing an hour or so most evenings on my turbo-trainer I relished the idea of some “proper” cycling.

My alarm went off at 06:30 and I peeped out of the window to see the rain and sleet, and to be honest I just wanted to get back into my warm bed. However the reality of just 17 weeks left of training got me up and into my cycling gear, and I was off by 07:30 with 6 weetabixand a banana inside me.

Within 5 minutes I was already drenched and my wet leggings were making my legs feel heavy, but that wasn’t going to stop me; I was on a green light after all!

I headed off towards Petworth, with a distance of 70 miles in my head – only reason being that we did 60 last time and I wanted to prove to myself I could do more.

Petworth came and went, and Chichester seemed to be the next logical place to aim for. I passed through Chichester and decided to continue coast bound to Chichester Marina. From previous camping experiences I’d remembered that there was a decent cafe there.

Chichester Marina arrived just over 30 miles by which point I was so drenched (and cold) that I took off my gloves upon arrival and wrung them out making streams of dirty water! I then took off my outer layers and spread them over the radiators much to the bemusement of the already settled full-English-breakfast diners.

3 cups of tea, a flapjack and 10 minutes under the hand-dryer in the gents later, I was thawing out nicely and ready to get back into my still wet, but warm gear for the return leg.

Still raining steadily it was a case of head down, and my journey back was pretty much the same other than my new favourite hill at Duncton produced a PB top-speed: 42.6mph!  given that I’d been up and down the same hill a few weeks back I’d taken a run at it this time and barrelled over the crest.

As I arrived home, my trip computer was showing 61 miles – and I still had an hour left before I was due in for my roast lunch. Despite the call of a hot bath, I still had my 70 mile target in my head so I carried on past home and cycled to Haslemere to add the extra miles.

By now my legs were really feeling it. The rest was a blur of discomfort – but nevertheless I added the miles and got home with 70.03 miles on the clock, total riding time of 4hrs 56mins.

If that doesn’t prepare me for the worst the Scottish Highlands have to throw at us I don’t know what will!

Looking forward to the next Big Ride, this time with Paul for company – hopefully.

Mat :-)

Heather & Nigel (Mum & Dad)
2/23/2010 07:17:41 pm

Fantastic planning and committed training; you deserve to do well!

2/23/2010 10:31:14 pm

Well done Mat. Having made the cafe, soaking wet and freezing cold, that took some kahunas to get back on the saddle and get back home. And then to carry on and do the extra miles to break the 70 miles mark, well... respect to you. Keep up the good training efforts, or you'll turn into a fat lump of lard like me!

2/23/2010 11:18:52 pm

"10 minutes under the hand-dryer in the gents"

Is that a euphemism?!

Duncton Hill must be hard work, I'm always stuck behind some slowcoach with 4 wheels struggling up it...

Well done mate!

Hels Bels
2/24/2010 12:00:19 am

Hey just say down with a cuppa (boys busy with the TV) and read all through your blog and looked at your route etc etc. Have to say you are doing an amazing thing!! Matty Lad, your training last week of >70 miles is highly commendable, well done you. Bet the Roast tasted mighty good after that! Keep it up!x

2/24/2010 07:08:12 pm

Keep up the training boys - think of the glory at the end.

Can I ask that your cycle gear is fumigated well BEFORE I take you up to JOG in the car - or can we strap it to the roof?

Mr Cheese
2/25/2010 12:02:07 am

Honoured to be sponsoring you, lads. My backside is hurting just thinking about your upcoming jaunt. Good grief, that makes me sound like Graham Norton, doesn't it? And I've just lowered the tone, haven't I?
Looking forward to the 2011 obscure football ground ride. Carlisle United to Newport Town, I hear.
And there goes the tone again, thudding to the floor like a bad joke at a wedding (another specialty).
xx (one each) Cheese

11/12/2010 11:48:53 am

A smattering of person, more not condescension, Informed capable person, must be modest.


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